

Then an angel of the Lord said to Philip, "Get up and go toward the south to the road that goes down from Jerusalem to Gaza." (This is a wilderness road.) So he got up and went.  Acts 8:26-27a NRSV

I am not equating my trip to the Holy Land to that of Phillip and his encounter with the Ethiopian, however when I think about this “pilgrimage” I am on, I think of how Phillip’s life was interrupted after  his ministry in Samaria.

It doesn’t sound like Phillip was looking to go somewhere else, the Lord just told him to go.  As I ride the DART train to DFW listening to The Robbie Seay Band on my IPOD. I am thankful that God has told me to go.  I wasn’t planning on taking this trip, really never crossed my mind… Sure, as a pastor I’ve thought that it would be nice to visit the Holy Land, but never thought I would be able to follow through and take this trip. But God always has a way of interrupting lives and if we listen and follow, takes us on extravagant journeys our own minds can’t comprehend.

I am going to miss my wife and family, however I know that God is with them and also with me while I’m on this trip and I’m looking forward to the many surprises God has for me as I walk in the places Jesus walked, see the holy sites and take pictures and collect stories from this trip.

My plane takes off here in about one hour and twenty minutes to Atlanta, where I will pick up my flight to Tel Aviv. Arriving there around 5:00 p.m. on Wednesday afternoon (10:00 a.m. Central Time).

I pray that this trip, this blog leads to powerful ministry and a strong testament of our Risen Lord, Jesus Christ.


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