Top Ten List from Tracy


Tracy and one of her co-workers wrote me this Top 10 List for Israel... enjoy

Top 10 Things Chris shouldn’t do while visiting the Holy Land
#10 – pull on someone’s beard at the Wailing Wall.
#9 – Pee in the Sea of Galilee (I think I get bonus points on this one since it rhymes)
#8 – Call the American Consulate and ask him if his refrigerator is running! 
#7 – Order a pulled pork sandwich at a kosher restaurant.
#6 – with a side of fried pork skins!  And a diet coke
#5 – Ask a rabbi if the thing on his head is a really bad toupee. 
#4 – write his prayer on toilet paper for the Wailing Wall (am I obsessed?).  they do have toilet paper don’t they?
#3 – Carve “Chris wuz here” on everything he sees
#2 – Jam on his Ipod in the Church of the Holy Sepulchre and sing out loud a little.
#1 – Plaster a poster in every synagogue that depict an Uncle Sam version of Jesus with the caption “I want YOU!”


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