Jury Duty, Dallas and Sermon


It is time for my weekly blog. I should be focusing on my sermon, but it helps me to think while I'm preparing and I know I need to write to keep my weekly blogging up.

Yesterday I had Jury Duty and it turned into a two day experience. I'm thankful for the opportunity to be a part of our legal system, but I wonder if there is a way to do it better. We did have one person on our 15 person panel complain because he had to return today, but everyone else seemed to go with the punches and sit through the whole ordeal as 2 cases were settled right before their jury trial. I'm glad that the possible seating of a jury helped settle two cases, but it is sad that two cases that should have been settled before had to go that far and cost tax payers an extra $690.00. Our Judge told us that we actually saved the county of Dallas money because these cases were now off the docket. So I'm glad I was able to do my part.

One aspect of the past two days is that I had the chance to be in Downtown Dallas. I don't know if I get star struck, (possibly city struck is a better term), but walking around in the big downtown area just fills me up in a giddy way. The history of JFK, looking up and seeing the building that I took my lovely bride to the top of and asked her to marry me are just a couple of reasons that enlivens me as I walk the downtown streets. I'm thankful that I'm here and thankful that I have that experience.

I'm preaching on Sunday, my text is Acts 17:19-34. I am answering the question, "how do we share God's Word with the secular world." At first, I thought it was an easy question, but I need to get across the balance between being separate from the world but yet minister to the world. As Christians, we can't ignore the pain and suffering of the world, but we must live a life worthy of the one who called us His children. Help me to focus and to share.

An Almost Runners blog


Ok... I'm doing some research and I'm almost ready to buy some shoes.

I'm getting a tad excited... but I need it to warm up a bit.
I'm hoping that here in the next couple of weeks I can start.
That is all I'm writing for now so don't be too excited. I have to finish up my Pastor Profile for the Bishop and Cabinet. have a great day!

New Year... New Goals


Hello 2010.

Simple enough. However, now is the time to lay down some goals for this year. I really don't like the term resolution, I really don't know why, I guess it seems like resolutions are never taken seriously. I hear on TV or read in magazines how people make their New Years resolutions and then 2 weeks later... they are done. Enough of the rambling, here are my 2010 goals!

#1 - Maintain my rule of life. What this means is to watch myself spiritually. This goal is to help me stay accountable in following my devotional life. I want to get up in the morning and the first thing is read scripture. Not so I can boast that I read everyday, but as a pastor, if I want my congregation to be in scripture, I need to be in scripture. It is so easy as clergy to ignore that part because, well I preach, I teach and all of those things involved scripture. However... I rarely have taken time to be in scripture myself. So I will take my first part of the day just to read, not necessarily take notes, but just be in God's word. I will schedule one time a month to be away no computer, no phone, no nothing to be in prayer. This could be walking in a park, sitting at the mall, or something that gets me away from busy work and just devotion.

#2 - Improve family time. This is really hard because of how busy Tracy and I are. But I will not have any meetings on Tuesday, and Friday night and try minimally to have meetings on Monday. I want to have quality family time at home. I don't want to sit in front of a computer all evening when I'm home, I want to be engaged with my wife and kids.

#3 - Write something every week. I will be using this blogger.com account to do most of my writing. If I am writing for something else that isn't cofidential, I will do my best to post what I have written here on my blogger account. Toward the end of 2010, I will be putting together my questions for the Board on Ordained Ministry in order to be fully ordained at Annual Conference in 2011. Seems so far away, but the work needs to start now.

#4 - Maintain my weight. Currently I am sitting at 173 pounds. I lost around 45 pounds at the end of 2009 and I want to make sure I don't gain it back. Working with Medifast has been extremely helpful and I am looking forward to working with them to learn how to maintain my weight and eat healthy.

#5 - Run a 5K - There we go... I have written it so be it. Here is a guide for me to follow.
I want to do this because it is something I've never done before. I'm not trying to become an uber athlete, but I want to have a goal beside my pedometer which I want to reach level 5 this year and gain all of my cash reward :)

#6 - End 2010 with 7,000 in my savings account and have no debt, except car. I want to build up my families security. 7,000 isn't a lot but it is a good start. This will mean extra work for me because I take money out of my savings to pay quarterly taxes which end up to be approximately 4,000 a year so the total I will need to put in savings is 11,000 out of my 53,209.00 a year salary. I think it is achievable.

So there we have it. My goals for 2010. In short
Maintain Rule of life - Walk with God
Establish deeper relationship with family - Walk with Family
Read and Write - Establish Mind
Maintain Weight & Run 5 K - Take care of physical Body
No debt but car and have 7,000 in savings - Financial

May God be with me as I work on my goals for 2010.


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