Roller Coasters


This morning, I woke up thinking about roller coasters. I really don't know why. I just had the image of roller coasters in my mind.

Several years ago in Kansas City, there was a roller coaster called the Orient Express. This roller coaster was a beast! It had four majestic loops that turned your stomach inside out and upside down.1 When it opened in 1980, (I was in 3rd grade) It took me two years to actually build up enough nerve to climb aboard and take the wild ride. Unfortunately, the ride is no longer in existence and I haven't been back to Worlds of Fun to see what they have replaced it with.

I think the thing I love about roller coasters is the entire ride. The peaks and valleys the twist and turns and of course the loops. You can't appreciate a roller coaster until you get on and ride. Just like the Grandmother in the old Parenthood movie when she said this to Steve Martin.

Life is like that and the one thing that I have come to understand is that we have to go through all of the peaks and valleys, the twist and the turns to get the most out of life.  There will be many things we don't like, however, there will be many exciting blessings along the way.  

Testing things out


So I'm headed to Israel here in about two weeks. I'm really excited about the trip and want to share my experiences there. I have heard that the hotels I will be staying at have wifi. So from May 11 - 20, I will be writing and sharing pictures from the Holy Land. I took a picture of Tracy and I and I'm adding it to #1 show off my lovely wife, #2 to see how posting pictures look like on this blog.

I took this picture in our living room. Just thought I would share.


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