Creation and Advent


I am not a writer. So with that note... I give you this.

So... one of my "pre" New Year goals, is to write more. In about a year, I will be turning in over 50 pages of paper work to the board on Ordained Ministry to the North Texas Conference to be fully ordained as an Elder. To help me prepare and get more thoughts out (even though I know these thoughts can come back to bite me) I am going to try to blog once a week on different issues.

My blog for this week has to deal with the start of the Advent season. Advent is the time where the church prepares for Christmas. The four Sunday's before Christmas, we prepare our hearts for the coming of the Christ Child. At Grace UMC, we did this by presenting a play called Creation Chronicles. In this play, myself and a good friend Allen played the role of Biblical characters. Allen played God, and Cain. I played Gabriel, Able and Jonah. It was a brilliant look of our human condition and how God extended grace for the creation God loved, in the words of the play... I have to make them (talking about human beings)

There is one scene where Jonah is talking to God and they play a role reversal game. Jonah is now God and shares that "I created you in my image, you and everyone else. This is my grand experiment." God replies "so you know what I'm thinking, how I feel" Jonah finishes with, "You are free... but you know that I am here with you."

We are free, we have been given an extraordinary gift of life. We have also been given the gift of Jesus Christ, who came down from heaven, to live like we live. Experience all we experience. The thought of that makes my head spin. The feelings I have, Christ has felt. Joy, Excitement, Loneliness. What a gift we have been given to live like Christ lived.

May God bless you this Christmas season and may you know that God is here with you.


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